CalHR's interpretation of state and federal law may be based on administrative policies, regulations, or any other guidance interpreting such laws. If an absence is more than sixty (60) calendar days, the appointing authority may authorize an employee's return to the assignment or same watch/regular day off (RDO) if the absence was generated by a management decision. Rest periods may not be accumulated nor may rest periods be used to "make-up" time. Our DMV member leaders are setting an exampleand raising the Atascadero State Hospital may continue its twelve (12) hour day scheduling program on a pilot basis for the term of this Contract. Attempts for authorization must be supported by documentation as determined by departmental policy. Upon occurrence of such an event, the parties shall meet and confer as . introducing performance standards in the workplace without Seniority: Defined as one point for each qualifying month of full-time Departmental Unit 20 service, with ties broken by one point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. When an employee is required to work twelve (12) to sixteen (16) hours that employee shall not be mandated to work overtime the next calendar day. As CNA assignments become available, the assignments shall first be reviewed by the State to determine whether the assignment will be filled, posted for bid, or filled without posting. The Departments recognize and understand the importance of reducing mandatory overtime to Unit 20 Employees. Consideration will be given to employee and management needs in selecting the reporting date. For CDCR, CDCR-DJJ, and CCHCS, departments that implement an annual post and bid, the seniority list shall be published according to the annual post and bid process described below. Whenever a department head or designee elects to fill a vacancy through an Employee Opportunity Transfer, a permanent full-time employee who already has an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to that location on file with the department shall be selected. The Union shall be permitted to submit separate recommendations to the State. If a specific position was indicated for the voluntary request, and was changed or no longer needed, the nursing supervisor will make all reasonable attempts to notify the affected BU 20 LVN. Employees shall suffer no loss of compensation as a result of participation in the labor management committee meetings. For the first time in 42 years, we were able to increase the It represents a big victory for these Covered Post and Bid Request Form: The written request form provided by respective DGS offices and completed by the permanent full-time status employee requesting to be reassigned to any position/assignment in the employee's current classification. Once a BU 20 LVN has signed up for voluntary overtime, it is the LVN's responsibility to work that position, unless the LVN has given the nursing supervisor, or their designee, seventy-two (72) hours' notice to enable the timely scheduling of a replacement. "Flexible work hours" allow for the change of work schedules on a daily basis. Continuing education units (CEUs) required for current professional license/certification and/or continuing education units or work experience directly related to course curriculum and/or professional development, that are offered by approved providers may be accepted for salary advancement with prior approval from a DJJ/CEA designee. Psychiatric Nursing Psychiatric Treatment Modalities: Screening Procedures - e.g., sickle cell, scoliosis, Sign Language - beginning, intermediate, advanced interpretation, Technical writing - e.g., reports, protocols and procedures, care plans, grant applications, Upper division Physical Behavioral Sciences. Employees so dismissed, except those on probation, shall have an opportunity to stipulate to a last-chance agreement. Time frames to accept and move to a new position: Employees selected under the terms of this Article shall have a maximum of five (5) workdays in which to accept or reject a job offer unless otherwise agreed by the hiring supervisor. A Seasonal Clerk employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on jury duty. Safety Branch to the public as of February 16, 2021. Toll Collector vacant positions will be filled in the following order: Permanent full-time Toll Collectors who are currently assigned to the toll bridge where the vacancy exists and who have a valid Post and Bid Request on file shall be offered first right of refusal to the vacancy in seniority order. As in, DMV is not This includes any necessary travel time. when they are at possibly the lowest point in their lives.. These include, but are not limited to, increasing the installment period from ninety-six (96) months (8 years) to one hundred forty-four (144) months (12 years), and allowing employees to purchase partial amounts of service. An employee may write more than one bid preference on the bidding form in priority order. team met with In exceptional (uncommon) situations not covered by section 25.6.3 Personal Necessity Leave, on a case-by-case basis and subject to supervisory approval. Preservation of Eligible Post Ratios: When management alters or modifies the shift and/or RDO of a post that was awarded through the annual post and bid process prior to the end of the twelve (12) month appointment, management shall implement an interim annual post and bid process. Relationship Between This Section And Related Statutes. Local 1000 has formed a Call Center Work Group to help effectuate Such reimbursement shall be limited to: Reimbursement for the above expenses shall be in accordance with Article 12, section 12.1 of this Contract. The term "employees" shall mean those employees of the State of California in Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21 who make contributions to the STRS/CalPERS. A "tenured employee" is a person who has tenure. Through the establishment of a seniority volunteer overtime system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime, distribute overtime fairly among volunteers insofar as circumstances, security, or health and safety permit and provide employees with prior notice of possible or actual overtime assignments. No Unit 15 employee will be required to work in excess of sixteen (16) hours continuously in a twenty-four (24) hour period, nor shall a Unit 15 employee be required to work more than two (2) double shifts within the employee's scheduled workweek, unless mutually agreed to. Such solicitation shall include the notice that the position is subject to post and bid process. compensated fairly for the work they do, regardless of where they Unit 15 employees who are not covered by a Post and Bid Agreement and who request a work assignment or shift change not involving a geographic relocation shall submit a written request to the facility/program management or designee. Such assignments may be advertised where appropriate, but will be filled through the sole discretion of the State. New employees who meet the criteria for CalPERS membership have the right to make an election to be covered under a Second Tier Retirement Plan. In the event that an official application form may not be available during this specific thirty (30) day period, the CDE shall accept a written document from a prospective donor that includes the donor's printed name, signature, date, work location, classification, social security number, and permission to deduct one day of sick leave from the employee's accrued sick leave balance. Publication and dissemination of job opportunity bulletins. Out-of-Class Grievances and Allocation Appeals. Identify worksites and divisions where there exists retention and recruitment difficulties for Registered Nurses; Devise strategies and plans for resolving identified recruitment and retention problems, including but not limited to, the development or improvement of recruitment and retention programs; Review may include but not be limited to: preceptorship, participation at job fairs, college presentations, new graduate programs, and re-entry programs; Formulate recommendations for improving Registered Nurse recruitment and retention including methods and procedures to help resolve weekend and holiday-time staffing issues and avoid the need for overtime work; Make recommendations for the improvement of staff morale and the enhancement of professional recognition of Registered Nurses. An appeal of an involuntary transfer which does not reasonably require an employee to change the employee's residence shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure. day must alter their telework schedule and later make up the Effective August 1, 2006, all full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall cease Educational Leave accrual, as provided in section 8.28.3 Educational Leave. By September 30 of each fiscal year, the CDE shall notify in writing the Bargaining Unit 3 Negotiations Committee Chairperson of the amount of leave credits in the Bank that were not used by employees in the prior fiscal year, the amount of leave credits established in the Bank for the current fiscal year, and amount, if any, withdrawn between September 15 of the current fiscal year and the date of the notification. A new CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employee, upon successful completion of ninety (90) scheduled academic calendar work days, shall be credited with three (3) Personal Necessity Days on the first day of the following month. Each employee is responsible for checking the posting of positions on the EDDNet. Some of the major results of our teams negotiations include the Using State time, facilities, equipment, or supplies for private gain or advantage. There For the period from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2022, inclusive, the provisions of 11.2 titled "Improving Affordability and Access to Healthcare" is suspended. Upon request, and where practical, the State shall, upon consultation with the Union, establish a system to request and utilize qualified volunteers to perform overtime work from within the appropriate work area(s). Upon completion of the classification review, the State and the Union will jointly identify recommendations for changes to the Graphic Designer Series. regarding CDTFAs return to the office / telework policy. Each call center shall provide the Union with a copy of the final ergonomic evaluation report within thirty (30) days after the evaluation is performed. Disputes concerning this section shall be grievable to the Departmental level of review and shall not be arbitrable; Either party may request a meet and discuss regarding any problem or concern with the P&B procedure. On Monday, October 25, 2021, SEIU Local 1000 (the Union) met with When filling permanent full-time vacancies, a department shall consider eligible PI employees within the classification. This is the third GSI increase we won in our current contract. DMV LOD Employee Expectations MemoBargaining Units 1 & Bargaining Units 4. If a Seasonal Clerk employee works on the holiday, the employee shall also receive the employee's hourly rate of pay for each hour worked unless the provisions of section 19.2(B) apply. In the event of ties, total state service will be used to determine seniority scores. represented employees have access to upward mobility programs With the approval of the appointing power, FLSA - exempt/excluded employees may be allowed absences with pay for one or more whole days due to excessive work load or other special circumstances without charging leave credits; Subject to prior notification and management concurrence, FLSA exempt/excluded employees may alter the employee's work hours. is a possibility for this to change in the future. If there are no qualified bidders, DGS may fill the positions by other valid hiring means. This When CTO is ordered, reasonable advance notice (at least 24 hours) should be provided the employee. The Union may request from the CDCR, Adult an exemption from the existing class size to the superintendent or designee. The administration of sick leave for Seasonal Clerk employees shall be in accordance with Article 8, section 8.2, Sick Leave. Management shall designate an official who shall be responsible for the administration of the Post and Bid process. Each call center shall provide notification of the ergonomic evaluation to each employee, along with a copy of an ergonomic evaluation request form, at least two (2) weeks prior to the ergonomic evaluation. Students shall be assigned according to the established policies. The State and the Union agree to meet and discuss the results of the review and recommendations, including the following: The State and Unit 20 agree to establish a Joint Labor Management Advisory Classification Committee to review and make recommendations on updating existing classification specifications which do not reflect the current duties. Indy Janitorial Master Contract. Agresso unit-4 developer. To this end, permanent full-time employees may apply for an Employee Opportunity Transfer to a position at another location within the employee's department in accordance with the following procedure: Employees desiring an Employee Opportunity Transfer shall apply in writing to the employee's department head or designee in a manner prescribed by the department. Seniority: Seniority is determined by permanent full-time status employees with the greatest amount of continuous permanent full-time statewide seniority in the class. conduct union activities at Department of Social Services (DSS). In cases of tied seniority, the decision will be made by lot. Standby may not be scheduled in less than one hour increments. SEIU Local 1000 met and conferred with the Department of Motor Post orders in CDCR-Adult, and work instructions in CDCR-DJJ will be provided where applicable. 5.4 Savings Clause. CoBen information to BU 7, 16, 18, & 19 (CoBen has no waiting period for Delta). this topic. monitoring beginning August 31stfor employees working on Bereavement Leave - A Seasonal Clerk employee may only be granted bereavement leave in accordance with Article 8, section 8.3 without pay, if scheduled to work on the day(s) for which the leave is requested and only for the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work on the day or days. Read more IL: D163 Park Forest 10/1/17 - 9/15/20. Industrial members in Bargaining Unit 21 subject to social security shall contribute eight and one half percent (8.5%) of pensionable compensation in excess of five hundred thirteen dollars ($513) for retirement. Hours of Work (Excludes Units 3, 17, and 21) Unless otherwise specified herein, the regular workweek of full-time employees shall be forty (40) hours, Monday through Friday, and the regular work shift shall be eight (8) hours. The State agrees to provide Unit 14 with a written status report, within six (6) months of ratification of this Contract. When it is determined that there is a lack of work, a department head or designee may: Pay the PI employee in a lump-sum payment for accumulated vacation leave credits; or, By mutual agreement, schedule the PI employee for vacation leave; or, Allow the PI employee to retain the employee's vacation credits; or. progress towards making this state a California for All. Bid notices shall be posted for a period of no less than ten (10) working days before the final date bids must be postmarked or fax stamped. The unit primarily consists of teachers and librarians. The improved retirement quarter age/benefit factors apply for service rendered on and after the effective date of the 1999-2001 Memorandum of Understanding between the State and the Union. To this end, permanent full-time employees may apply for an Employee Opportunity Transfer to a position at another location within the employee's department in accordance with the following procedure: Employees desiring an Employee Opportunity Transfer shall apply in writing to the employee's department head or designee in a manner prescribed by the department. represented employees through the transition back to the office You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. If the State determines to fill the assignment without posting, the assignment may be filled by hire, transfer, promotion, or any other method allowed by the Civil Service System. An employee who makes this election is eligible to purchase past Second Tier service. The overtime lists will be followed except where precluded by emergency. Personal leave days may be approved for use during the school year or extended school year. include: Our Union team met again with the Employment Development Overtime shall first be offered to level-of-care employees for level-of-care overtime assignments before allowing other BU 17 classifications to work overtime. Chief of Nursing Service reviews with employee that eligibility requirements are met. Record keeping for accounting, reimbursements, or documentation relative to other applicable statutes, such as the FMLA, is permitted; FLSA - exempt/excluded employees shall not be suspended for less than five (5) days when facing discipline; With the approval of the appointing power, FLSA - exempt/excluded employees may be allowed absences with pay for one or more whole days due to excessive workload or other special circumstances without charging leave credits; Subject to prior notification and management concurrence, FLSA - exempt/excluded employees may alter the employee's work hours. The Bargaining Unit 4 Upward Mobility Task Force met again on May H.Employees may accrue up to two hundred forty (240) hours of CTO. The State agrees to forward a copy of the layoff plan and a copy of the SROA/Surplus list (as it relates to a potential layoff) to SEIU Local 1000 as soon as each is approved by CalHR. Courses improving job-related skills such as: Health promotion and prevention of disease, Management, supervision, records and reporting, Electronic medical records skills training, Nursing and the Law-Legal Aspects and Legislation, Upper Level Physical Behavioral Science Courses, Principals of Nursing Supervision and Management, Courses related to working with the Developmentally Disabled Client, Communication skill courses for Client Care such as: Signing, Spanish, Any nursing units required in the Nurse Practitioner Course Program, Any nursing units included in the ES, MS or Ph.D. team and staff met with leadership from the Department of Real November. 4 state workers in California. BUNC Alt. Copy of approval letter or Work Assignment Form from current primary position supervisor to OPF. of updating and/or reissuing employee policies and requiring that GREEN - POSITION CONTRAL ANALYST, FILE COPY. Bargaining process. 19.3(B) of the SEIU Local 1000 Contract shall be applied to all call center employees. Effective July 1, 2020, the minimum salary in the salary range for all SEIU Local 1000 classifications shall be no less than $15 per hour. a huge advance in our fight against outsourcing. College credits, continuing education credits and any DJJ/CEA designee approved work credits from industry for vocational education teachers will be pertinent to the employee's position and not be a repetition of previously acquired credits or work experience. Disputes over whether or not the duty statement is consistent with the class specifications shall be resolved through the grievance procedure. Here is information we received from the Department: Our Union team met with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) required separation of duties for Driver Safety Hearing Officers important issues identified by our members: health care, housing, Employees may be required to return such identification cards to the appointing power upon the employee's separation from the State or upon the employee's transfer to another appointing power. Departments shall provide ergonomic training to all employees assigned to each call center. However, in the event that the DIR determines that this provision is inconsistent with Labor Code section 204.3, the parties agree to immediately meet and confer regarding the impact of that determination. Upon return to work, the BU 20 LVN will return to the involuntary rotation in seniority order. Jury Duty - A PI employee shall only be granted jury duty leave in accordance with section 8.14 if the employee is scheduled to work on the day(s) in which the service occurs and only for the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work on the day or days. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. single mother of three daughters recovers from multiple The employee will then be assigned an assignment at management's discretion. An employee may lose the right to hold and/or bid a post based on the department's nepotism policy. After sixty (60) days, management shall decide whether or not to fill the position. The table below lists the Second Tier age/benefit factors for the Pre-PEPRA and PEPRA retirement formulas. It really shows the power of All employees hired prior to August 1, 2007, who are initially placed into the salary schedule based upon salary, will move in range upon completion of twelve (12) credits through Range E for Vocational Instructors and Range F for Academic Teachers. "Wages." While on vacation, pre-approved absence, on a full work day absence due to sick leave*, Union leave, State release time, or any other authorized absence from the facility, BU 20 CNAs will not be considered for mandatory overtime.
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