These are all angles that can and should be investigated, since precise targeting, luring, and covert disappearing of people arent trivial tasks. Nature can be a cruel mistress. And even if the name is just related to the remoteness, more remote and hard-to-get areas would mean the most difficult search environments. Best format would be an interactive table online, where all types of data could be filtered and sorted with immediate visualization. In other words, he wasn't some spry young devil who could just run off at a moment's notice. The reason why foul play was suspected in this case was that there were burn marks found on the body, which has happened in at least one Missing 411 urban case that Im aware of. When they found him he was all the way across the country in Sacramento, California, thousands of miles away from where he had last been seen, oddly still dressed in his full skiing gear and with a haircut and a new iPhone. They spent the day digging around for the rocks, and they had sort of a system wherein McSherry would drop Dametz off at a spot and then go off on his own nearby, after which he would pick the Dr. up and they would move onto a new location. Read more about the individual cases by clicking on the icons above or the links in the list below. Something that could be invisible and undetectable without very specific instruments, but nevertheless entirely normal and real. Just how he had managed to cross the waters remains a mystery. Thats probably why it correlates so much with cases that remain unexplained. Similarly, some traits like high intelligence, excellent physical condition, or relevant expertise and preparation are inherently suspicious, even if they happen in statistically insignificant numbers. It makes for good storytelling, and beyond that, its important to understand that everyone has a bias. Objects can spontaneously teleport, its just very, very, very unlikely. What makes this recent case especially strange is the way searchers covered the area multiple times before they found the body. The mysterious part is how the bodies got to where they were found. If you have any theories or suggestions yourselves, Im all ears. Research is how we get to know things. So, I would expect more people to get lost while wearing colorful clothing rather than natural shades or camo. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. No, the evidence is the only thing that matters. I mean, beyond the obvious connection to large bodies of water and boulder and rock formations. What should be done first is a comparison with the distribution of times at which people from a random non-Missing 411 sample disappear in the same areas. Which sometimes happens in the Missing 411 cases, without any good reason. I will discuss this in more detail when I get to related profile points like the role of bad weather. Maybe some of the people who died had an allergic reaction to whatever method of incapacitation or memory wipe was used. Clothing really is tricky. Many of these odd vanishing have happened in wilderness areas or National Parks, and a common theme amongst them is the fact that many of these victims go missing within minutes, often right under the noses of those they are with, as if thy have just been erased from existence. Most investigations are eventually solved through reasonable causes: foul play, drowning, suicide or an animal attack. He believes that sometimes it's the little things that aren't taught in history class that are the most fascinating. As the father lifted his head briefly from the task, he would suddenly notice a strange bubbling noise which was followed by the sudden appearance of a three-foot-high man-like figure in front of him. I especially recommend the most recent documentary, Missing 411: The Hunted, as I have never seen such great visualization of movement through an area, plus the cases selected for this documentary are some of the most bizarre and inexplicable there are. Its also unusual that it seems that its young children who much more often tend to remember and report anything, as opposed to adults. This is a fairly strong profile point, given that there is no good explanation, conventional or otherwise, for why or how any of this should happen at all. In other words, youd expect these two things to correlate. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. In a normal sample of deaths, youd expect roughly 500 unexplained deaths in 500,000. She would call the number back and talk to him again, but he seemed confused and unsure of where he even was. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The latter possibility would imply that even if there werent significantly many of them within the sample in comparison to all people or all park visitors, there may be a specific, several centuries-old genetic reason or personal grudge involved. Or at least not in any way in which we understand this type of attack to work. Finally, if you think about it, its important to understand that human clothing can be confusing to a highly intelligent, highly scientifically advanced species who has studied us for ages. If the person was targeted outside, other options open up. Sure, random things happen, even extremely unlikely things. A quick google search wasnt helpful. Good luck out there! Perhaps bizarrely, only two weeks before the last known sighting of Davis, slightly to the south of the state of Washington in Coconino County in Arizona on the 12th August, another sheepherder, Jerry Garcia, would also vanish without a trace. Difference Between Subject Complement And Direct Object, Given that this is perhaps the most consistent profile point, it could be a key one, but there are some nuanced considerations that should be made. Mostly, they just managed to say something like oh my gosh, or my phone is about to go dead, or gave out unsettling noises. I could also go on and on, but I think this is more than enough for now. All Missing 411 North American disappearances are on the map. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The map covers all 50 states and southern Canada. If there is a conspiracy surrounding the Missing 411 in terms of secret government involvement, would this apparent turn in the weather be a clue to such involvement? This is also one of the profile points that may simply cause people not to be found, at all or in time to save the person, reversing the causality. And it is what profiling is, in a way youre looking for cases that include selected elements. In the summer of 1958, a 10-year old Bobby Bizup was attending a Catholic camping retreat called Camp Saint Malo, at the Rocky Mountain National Park along with a group of other youths. A home for weird ideas, future visions, and mad ramblings. This story is only the tip of the iceberg and serves as a window into a few Missing 411 cases. All rights reserved. 2009-2021 Historic Mysteries. Then again, the alternatives dont exactly seem to be comforting, as they range up to Lovecraftian. Here's a drone video of Gilbert Reservoir, if you want to get an idea of the wilderness of the area. The reason why Im mentioning it is that he had his shirt missing and various articles of his clothing were improperly fastened, almost as if he was undressed and then dressed back in a hurry. David Paulides also noticed this recurring motif of bodies turning up in areas that rescuers had already combed thoroughly and near frequented spots. A survival expert named Les Stroud deemed it impossible for a 2-year-old to have covered that distance in the time that had passed in that weather in the dead of night, making it all stranger still. A similar Missing 411 case with a rather more sinister ending is one that happened decades before, and is perhaps not as well known. Stacey was a fourteen-year-old girl on a horse riding trip with her father and several other friends in Yosemite National Park. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Sometimes, high amounts of alcohol or GHB were found in the blood of the deceased, but without any clear idea how they were ingested. Missing 411 is a contentious subject with a very human face. For that reason, what you need to focus on are any exceptional, unique, or odd attributes that ideally didnt have to show up at all, or that would make someone a logical target for a predator, even if you dont fully understand what that predator is getting out of it. However, if your bet is that something smarter than humans (or humans smarter than you expect possible) may be involved, maybe its not such a crazy bet. Meanwhile, after Dennis went missing, the Key family, looking for bears some distance away, saw a dark man-type figure carrying something on its shoulder, a key piece of the puzzle. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Also, there are virtually no big predators in the Czech Republic that would kill a man. Similarly, as I have heard someone theorize, you may want to remove their shoes first so that they cant run away from you very easily, or maybe youd steal their clothing so that they more quickly succumb to the elements if they somehow ran away from wherever youre holding them thats presumably some kind of shelter, base, or vehicle. Dave have made some comments over the years that indicate that he initially didnt believe that paradoxical undressing is an actual thing that happens, but after he got predictably criticized for it, he appears to understand it better now. I live INSIDE the north-western PA cluster, and I've experienced that sudden, eerie silence with the weird buzzing in my ears on a trail that goes off from a logging road that leads to Gilbert Reservoir. He had a history of spending time outdoors, especially in the area. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Of course, that says nothing about who these aliens are, only that theyre organized. Here I have to give credit to Seriah Azkath and the Snake Brothers, who pointed out the likely direction of causality regarding this profile point on a recent Where Did the Road Go show. Ginebra Vs Alaska August 8 2021, The most common type of account from children is that of being taken or kept safe by some type of animal or animal-like men. If there is someone out there with some kind of tech doing this, the tech clearly should involve remote brain or full-body scan capability (to ascertain hidden health issues or intelligence), perception altering, and memory editing. Anthony E. Davis read more Donald Crowhurst and his Fatal Race Round the Padre Pio Stigmata, Miracle Worker or Fraud, The Varangians: Viking Conquerors turned Byzantium Honor Guard, The Secret Necropolis of Ancient Varna and the First Goldsmiths. Historic Mysteries is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases. While sudden arrhythmia can account for some of the Missing 411 cases, there are just too many. And maybe nothing is. mario creepypasta victim #1. Put simply, this profile point is something that makes it harder to find a missing person and easier for people to get more lost. If that could be scaled up or turned into a realiable technology, then who knows, maybe it could be possible to cause coincidences, or they could be a side effect of some type of probability-based technology being used. If a person disappeared from a place like a pub, then the perpetrators were either lying in wait on the location, possibly cooperating with whoever is operating the establishment, or they were again following the target person beforehand and waited for him to go to a social event. Accept Read More, Mysterious Disappearances in the Bennington Triangle, Vermont, The Mysterious Dyatlov Pass Student Deaths in the Urals, The Curious Tale of Keith Reinhard in Silver Plume, Colorado, The Roanoke Colony Disappearance is Still a Mystery, Dental Horrors! Maybe, just maybe, dogs are behind it all. Chen Qiushi was born in September 1985 in Daxing'anling Prefecture, Heilongjiang, China, and studied law at Heilongjiang University, graduating in 2007. If youre convinced that it cant be any of the exotic explanations, then what is any possible explanation? In 2018 he went on a ski trip with some friends to Lake Placid, in New York state.
It only has to be cross-checked carefully with cases where paradoxical undressing could have realistically taken place. If your child will play baseball or softball this spring, youll need to stock up on appropriate clothing and equipment. Here are the most significant repeating profile points with my critical commentary as to their potential strengths and shortcomings: According to Paulides, every person should be found, especially if they are a small child or if theyre mentally or physically disabled and therefore presumably unable to travel long distances. These people should not be considered reliable witnesses, but they should have some witness testimonies to offer. How do you manipulate lividity of a corpse, like achieving none? There is mounting evidence that states of mind affect probability of external events, making it fluctuate. While static city cameras could be known about and avoided, there dont seem to be any related deaths of potential witnesses, who statistically speaking must keep bumping randomly into these people entering the water. But theres more. With all that said, it would be interesting to take all of the people with the German origin within the Missing 411 sample and check whether their ancestors come from all over Germany, or if they all come from a specific region or regions inside of Germany (or Austria or Switzerland). One can only hope the work of many, from volunteer searchers to content creators, can answer the question. Missing 411 cases are a colloquial classification that documents missing person cases that fit a number of criteria: The disappearance occurred in a national park, rural area, or large reserve of public land. Soaking wet, I had to run back into the tent, change clothes, and eventually fall asleep from exhaustion. Which is an issue that we have already encountered with self-driving cars. Charles R. Wood read more. At most, they managed to say that someone is following them, but not exactly who or where they are, or if they described a specific location, they were already gone within moments (if the location they gave was accurate in the first place). If the point was that you need to work with or study specific genetic markers, given that Germans are, ironically, one of the least genetically pure groups in the world. Two years ago, I was camping with my dad at a super remote spot at Allegheny Reservoir (could only get there by boat or hiking several miles), and I think I experienced infrasound in the middle of the night. You can keep it in a pair of snow pants, just sew the foot and waist holes up. An earlier case of this is that of 2-year-old Keith Parkins, also of Missing 411 fame, who in 1952 was visiting Ritter, Oregon to stay at his grandfathers rural, remote ranch. In response to seeing u/stalwart_rabbit post the Thru Trail map, I decided to overlay the clusters on the Missing 411 map on top of it to see if there is any correlation. Initially, they would manage to track his snowshoes for several miles. Ignoring mind control for now (which is technically doable with advanced enough technology that we are already developing), someone who can remotely scan or edit brains can probably also stop someones heart with a more advanced version of taser. Strangest of all is that he could not remember anything at all of how he had come to be there or what had happened to him. Essas ferramentas nos ajudam a oferecer uma melhor experincia de navegao no site. Making an error on the part of Missing 411 perpetrators means that people wont go missing, that there will be evidence that will be interpreted as human crime (because what else would be a serious suspicion of the police in any scenario), or the person will see and report things that will make him or her sound mentally ill, and perhaps even diagnosed. On this day everything was going smoothly, and they had spent hours digging at different spots. This implies that the way in which these people disappear involves their rapid incapacitation, or at least severe confusion. 1 talking about this. It would be easier to do in a city setting, where there are at least roads all over the place, but in that case, I would expect someone at some point seeing some of the kidnappings. Malevolent gods could theoretically use it to mislead us, but I bet that malevolent gods have a less perfect awareness and more of a self-centered, narrow viewpoint on things. Here we see within these few square miles a startling concentration of lost people. Its basically just as magic as teleportation. David B. Sargent read more, Marion County Here we will look at such cases, of people who were simply there one minute and gone the next, going off into who knows where and into the realm of truly great mysteries. And yes, I also rewatched Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, obviously. When the group discovered the sheepherders flashlight around 250 yards from the campsite, it sent a dark tone around their collective outlook. The available data that connects the water-related cases together (mainly the ones of students being found dead in water in some college cities) makes them somehow more inexplicable than the cases of people who got lost in a forest and were never found (cases in which all data is missing). Tragically, this case would eventually be solved, but not without leaving behind more mysteries of its own. This seems to be pretty straightforward to me it doesnt matter if youre a bunch of wild men, an underground civilization, or a fleet of E.T. Esse o seu primeiro post. While they did so, her grandmother and her parents were near their car several yards away. In June of 1959, nearly 1 year after going missing, some torn clothing, a broken hearing aide, and a few bone fragments were found in a remote area 2,500 feet up Mount Meeker in the middle of nowhere and about 3 miles from where Bizup had gone missing. Delaware County Election Results 2020, But if theyre after exceptional (and therefore potentially valuable) targets, they cant hide that, or even necessarily be able to do without specific targets, however unlikely those target people are to get lost or succumb to the elements. Content that is not related to Missing 411 will be removed. It is certainly an apt metaphor for the state of these individuals who have vanished. Clearly, a person drunk or out of it enough to fall into water and drown is not going to take care to avoid security cameras and potential witnesses at the point of entering the water. The suspicious nature of the issue in combination with the trends that David Paulides documents are beyond a mystery. So far, as far as I know, Dave made the clusters map and the table of how far away small children were found. In the summer of 1958, a 10-year old Bobby Bizup was attending a Catholic camping retreat called Camp Saint Malo, at the Rocky Mountain National Park along with a group of other youths. It would be an annoyingly good crime, however, as it is very difficult to prove such crime for the above-mentioned reasons. This is another strong profile point. Every time I pass that trailhead now, I stop, roll down my windows, and just listen for a few minutes before continuing on to the reservoir. On the other hand, cities dont appear to be safe either, so Look, squirrel! With all the insults out of the way, lets look at the profile points. Its not crazy talk, its a genius speculation of one of the sci-fi greats. The news agenda of many media outlets were full of reports about the incident. Indeed, a complete search of the area turned up no trace of him, and not long after this the authorities were notified, who after a 5-day intensive search could find not a trace of Dametz or his missing tools, and no blood or sign that he had been attacked by an animal or the victim of foul play. There was also the fact that the area was not easily reached, and no one could figure out how the missing boy could have possiby gotten there or even why he would have wanted to head up the mountain to begin with, considering most people who are lost instinctively head towards lower ground. The latter type of accounts, mainly collected by folklorists in connection to fairy lore, is consistent with natural spacetime distortions, but it can also be indicative of a special kind of traps being laid in the forest. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback.
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