Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy - Bird Clan Messenger Bird Clan Kitchen Party, Indigenous, MEMETASTIC Medicine Show, Mom the Bomb's Kitchen Party, Prophecies, The Great Awakening Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow. The sight must have been spectacular but, besides the view, ancient writings tell us people received cosmic signs from their gods and also witnessed what can only be described as alien encounters. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon.[3]. Terrible will be the result. Heres one Hunter Biden thread everyone needs to read! For instance, Josephus, the 1st century CE historian, described a star resembling a sword i.e. Two blue stars are about to collide, could this be the blue star the Hopi speak of & does this meaning of the human race that the guidestones predicted, 90% of the human race to be culled & why did the stones suddenly explode. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as a catastrophe or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the purification of planet Earth. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. The prophecy tells us that the energetic emanations from the Red Star will have major repercussions on our psyche and the nature of reality itself will appear to fluctuate, as the carefully curated reality bubble that modern civilization has built for itself begins to come apart at the seams. [13] The Hopi Message to the United Nations (12/10/92), http://crab.rutgers.edu/~omaha/NAI/Hopi_Prophecy.htm[14] Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf, Last Cry:Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, Trafford Publishing, 2003[15] War 6.5.4 288-289[16] DAVID S. LEWIS, "Ancestors in High Places", The Montana Pioneer, June 2015, https://montanapioneer.com/legends-of-the-star-people/[17] Richard W. Kimball, "The UFO Flap in Prescott, Arizona", The Daily Courier, 1970, https://members.tripod.com/~drunken_bean/arizona.html, Bibhu Dev Misra is an independent researcher and writer on ancient civilizations and ancient mysteries. So, the final prophecy of White Feather seems to indicate that the end of the Fourth World will be brought about by a comet impact. And soon - very soon afterward - Pahana will return. Could it be happening right now? The signs were described to him in 1958 by a Hopi elder named White Feather. So intense will the nature of the changes be that those who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane, for we are nothing without spirit. In the final days, the Blue Star Kachina will come to be with his nephews, and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation, which is counter-clockwise. These two brothers were instructed to carry them to a place the Great Spirit had instructed them. The Hopi prophecies state that we are about the enter the fifth world. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. The Hopi were brought here in the First World by Hopi Gods where they met the Ant People . Many will appear to have lost their souls in these final days. When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens the 5th world will emerge. These prophecies have been passed down from generation to. Considering that the kachinas had accompanied the Hopi during their migrations, had passed on all manners of skills and esoteric wisdom to the Hopi people, and still respond to their prayers, it is quite likely that the white brother Pahana, who went towards the east, was actually a kachina and a very powerful one at that - who was capable of bringing in the dawn of the Fifth World. Did the Hopi Predict the End of the World? Like the previous worlds, Twaqachi is also prophesied to be destroyed because of the corruption of humanity. May 27, 2022 The Blue Star Katsina prophecy is a Hopi revelation about the coming end of civilization on Earth. Did he catch the wrong boat at the end of the Third World? They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days, The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. The Ant People, however, are not mentioned, which is a bit strange, since the Hopi had found shelter in the underground chambers of the Ant People when the First and Second Worlds were destroyed by Sotuknang. * American Indians and the Star People. The return of Pahana is a momentous event that the Hopi people have been waiting for a long time. The earth will become new as it was from the beginning. Could it be that Pahana was actually a spirit being a kachina, to be more specific who will use his supernatural powers to restore peace and harmony? Hopi means People of Peace . . Today there are 12 Hopi villages on or below the three mesas, with Moencopi to the west (on Dinetah), and Keams Canyon to the east. Hopi Kachina: Blue Star Prophecy Paperback - March 8, 2022 by Gaye Wilson-Smart (Author) 1 rating See all formats and editions Paperback $7.99 1 New from $7.99 Who will return the truth of the Hopi Prophecies to the present day? An ancient Hopi prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge." This will be the Day of Purification /Day of the Lord. GIZE, STONEHENGE, CHICHEN ITZA, ETC,ETC: HOPI EN ARIZONA (TIERRA ROJA Y EN EL PARALELO 33)-NEXO CON ORION Elegir otro panel de mensajes: Tema anterior Tema siguiente: Respuesta: Mensaje 1 de 64 en el tema : De: BARILOCHENSE6999 (Mensaje original) When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens the 5th world will emerge. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. predicted. One of the core beliefs of the Hopi is that their prayers and ceremonies play a vital role in holding world in balance; and if they are not performed, there are negative consequences. The Hopi believe the increased toxicity levels in the Earths oceans are a clear indication that the second-to-last sign is already upon us. Passed down from generation to generation, their intriguing mythology describes the event: First, the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. "This fact is evidenced in many petraglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have fared in our journey.[14], This prophecy is replete with intriguing symbolisms and extraordinary claims. The blue star Kachina according to the Hopi mythology is a spirit that signify the coming of the beginning of a new world, and the spirit appears in the form of a blue star. [2] Overview [ edit] The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old. Since the Hopi claim that Pahana will be accompanied by a large host, in addition to two powerful helpers, the Red Star may actually be a part of a large comet swarm. And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-house in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future, he said. This Purifier will show us many miraculous signs in our heavens In this way we will know Creator is not a dream. An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, " When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge ". It is believed that the Ant People had helped the White God discover corn on a mountain packed full of grain and seeds. The sky will be the color of blood, many things will then begin to happen that right now we are not sure of their exact nature. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life. You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it. Yes, it did. An ancient Hopi prophecy states that "when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge." It also speaks about the manifestation of nine signs foretelling this world-changing event. The Third World tells of an advanced civilization with flying shields and wars between far-off cities ultimately destroyed by terrible floods, narratives very similar to those found in Babylonian mythology. [2] Frank Waters, Book of the Hopi, Ballantine Books, New York, 1963, p 408-409[3] Ibid[4] Ibid[5] Ibid[6] Pliny, Natural History 2.90, taken from A. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Blue_Star_Kachina&oldid=1131816267, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 January 2023, at 22:11. Far from it, actually. When the signs appeared, the Hopi were advised to reveal the tablets and their prophecies to the world regarding the purification of Earth. But when they saw that Tovar did not recognize the ancient Hopi customs, they realized their mistake and sent him away. [1] On a blistering hot summer day in 1958, a minister named David Young was driving along a highway in New Mexico, when he saw an elderly Indian walking along the roads gravel shoulder. [6], According to Hopi prophecy (as reported by Waters), shortly after the Blue Star Kachina is visible to all and the Day of Purification is realized, the True White Brother will come to earth in search of Hopi "who steadfastly adhere to their ancient teachings". Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings. They were to wait for the person who would deliver them. In the final days the Blue Star Katchina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation which is counter clock wise. Many things will begin to occur that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream state. It is still not clear from this who the white brother Pahana really was. Do you remember back in 1997, the Hopi Elders appeared with Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf on Art Bells Coast to Coast show, they spoke to millions of wary listeners around the world as they. The messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the waters. The Kachina or Blue Star of Hopi prophecy is said to take off his mask while dancing in the plaza. Dr. Robert Wolf writes that, that the Blue Star Kachina will be accompanied by the twins, who will come flying in their patuwvotas, or flying shields, and they will bring many of their star family with them. Only the Hopis and the homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee.[5]. But who was this saviour personality? The Hopi say that their ancestors were star people who came from the Pleiades a place they call Chuhukon i.e. Drawings displaying the Ant People firmly resemble illustrations found in modern grey alien encounter reports. About Nemesis / Nibiru - Anunnaki - Red & Blue Kachina Hopi Prophecy. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. The Second is a reference to the early exploration of America, using the wagon as a primary means of locomotion. When the Saquahuh (blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here." The Hopi believe that only they will be saved. [1] Joey R. Jochmans, "Rolling Thunder: The Coming Earth Changes", Sun Publishing Company, 1980, p 110-115. He is an engineer from IIT and a MBA from IIM, and has worked in the Information Technology industry for more than two decades. Things unseen will be felt very stronglyMany things will begin to occur that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream state All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World, Then one morning, in a moment, we will awaken to the Red Dawn. So, we are now awaiting the fulfillment of the Ninth and final sign of the Hopi, before the Fourth World ends. The Seventh and the Eighth Signs have been fulfilled already. The following is an excerpt from LAST CRY Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf 1994-2004 It has appeared in numerous articles over the web, and in magazines all over the world. Hopi Prophecy. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease. This will be the Day of Purification. Is President Trump a real, honest-to-goodness LIGHTWORKER? predicted. The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. In the final days, the Blue Star Kachina will come to be with his nephews, and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation, which is counter-clockwise. Ultimately, the end of Fourth World will be brought about by a fearsome cometary apocalypse. Many of people in this time will be empty in Spirit they will have Sampacu. In Frank Waters's writings on Hopi mythology, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the form of a blue star. The question is, who is this lost white brother Pahana that the Hopi have been waiting for? so that it becomes increasingly difficult for us to ignore them. Indeed, they (Hopi) assert that kachinas came up with them during their Emergence from the womb of Mother Earth.[10] The kachinas took the forms of ordinary people and gave help and guidance to the clans. Here is an excerpt from his book: The story of the Blue Star Kachina is a very old story, very old. In the ancient Native American Hopi prophecy it states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge into view.". [11] Afterwards, they went away to live on top of the San Francisco peaks to the west of Hopi-land, from where they responded to the prayers of the Hopi. The Saquasohuh refers to a spirit that will appear in the form of a blue star to signify the beginning of the new world. - Asteroid Rendezvous With Mars - The Second Sun and Red Kachina. He concludes that it is probably a late twentieth century invention.[2]. They are surrounded by the Navajo Reservation, and inhabit the four corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah with the other Pueblo tribes. The Hopi predict that the new world that is about to dawn upon the Earth will be heralded by the arrival of two of these Kachinas, one colored blue and the other red. *This article was originally published atufoholic.com. When the Hopi had emerged into the Fourth World from their underground sanctuary, they made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit, Masaw, who is the caretaker of the Earth and the Lord of the Dead to follow his life plan, and live peacefully as simple, humble farmers, taking care of the land and all its creatures. worldly contacts. Those who remember who their mother and father is. Imprint of a gray alien placed in my crystal, while I meditated in the mountains of Sedona. Or are the peaceful Hopi really the keepers of ancient sacred knowledge, passed down from a time when the man walked alongside the gods? 72, p.86, SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1978JRASC..7281B[7] Manilius 1.884, taken from "Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources Before A.D. 410", p.86[8] Frank Waters, Book of the Hopi, Ballantine Books, New York, 1963, p 38. A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns will overrun the land in large numbers. Subscribe Today! As per the prophecy of Dr.Wolf, the arrival of the Red Star Kachina and the Day of Purification will not happen abruptly, and many messengers will arrive beforehand to make us aware of this Shift in the Ages, so that we get a chance to mend our ways. The First Sign can be interpreted as the arrival of Europeans on the North American continent. The Hopi maiden on the dome-shape (drawing) represents purity. [10] Ibid, p 206. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as an apocalypse or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the destruction of the world. The Hopi Prophecy Blue Star Kachina by Charlotte Smith Let all the poor, oppressed, downtrodden, and victimized pray for the Blue Star Kachina to come now. It is known that our True White Brother, when he comes, will be all powerful and will wear a red cap or red cloak. Poganghoya is the guardian of our North Pole and his Brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the South PoleThe twins will be seen in our North Western skies. In fact, his arrival is long overdue. It will appear as a Blue Star. Only those who return to the values of the old ways will be able to find peace of mind. You perhaps you will see it. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. And where was he coming from? Most Hopi creation stories center around Tawa, the sun spirit. Author Jason Colavito investigated this prophecy and found no reference to it before the late twentieth century [2] . What??? And men who struck their enemies with thunder. This is where the changes will begin. This is where the changes will begin. [11] Ibid, p 82. As per the prophecy, the kachina who will take off his mask during the dance in the plaza is the Blue Star kachina. Naked eye visible in 3-4 years. After the Fire Clan had migrated to their permanent home, the time would come when they would be overcome by a strange people. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. His articles have been published in different magazines and websites such as the New Dawn, Science to Sage, Nexus, Viewzone, Graham Hancock's website, Waking Times etc. When the Saquahuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here. The sky will be the color of blood, many things will then begin to happen that right now we are nor sure of their exact nature. [citation needed] This idea of the Blue Star Kachina marking the end of all Hopi rituals is reflected in Waters' book, Book of the Hopi, in which he states, "The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children. The Hopi believe there will be a 'Day of Purification' during catastrophic events as the present world ends. They will come and visit to see who still remembered the original teachings, flying in their Patuwvotas, or flying shields. There is perhaps no better prophecy, and one of such high integrity, from the traditions of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas that predicts the ending of the present era than the Red Star Kachina. This would dispel the evil and save his people. [2], There is evidence gathered by Armin Geertz that the Hopi "continuously recreate their prophecies to justify current conditions" (Colavito's words) and that all the prophecies were composed after the events they prophecy.[2]. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest thing. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier The Red Katchina, who will bring the Day of Purification. a particularly brilliant . To herald these end times, the Hopi believe that a blue star will arise in the heavens, followed by a great shaking of the earth. Very soon after this the ceremonies of my people will ceaze.. The way through this time it is said is to be found in our hearts, and reuniting with our spiritual self. * Secrets of . Then one morning in a moment. There will be many strange beasts upon the Earth in those days, some from the past and some that we have never seen. According to Waters' books, which were written in the 1960s, Hopis believe that humanity is currently residing in the fourth world, Twaqachi. His passion is to explore the knowledge left behind by the ancients in the form of inscriptions, artifacts, monuments, symbols, glyphs, myths and legends. It ties in with the deity Shiva dancing at the washing of sons of Sagara in the river Ganges, bringing them back to life. This fact is evidenced in many petroglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. The Spider Woman of the Hopi was the Earth Goddess - the one who had created all life on Earth, and who nurtures and guides her children whenever they are in a spot of bother. This will be the Day of Purification. What we can gather from this is that, the lost white brother Pahana is someone who will return with the missing piece of the stone tablet given to the Fire Clan. In ancient times, these tablets were given to them by Massau The Guardian of the Underworld, who requested that the tablets be kept until a number of signs were fulfilled at the end of the fourth world and the beginning of the fifth. Confusion between sexes, and children and their elders. In the Mahabharata, when a comet called Brahma-danda appeared in the skies above Dwaraka, a fatricidal war erupted between the Yadavas, in which all of them were killed. Waste no more time on the "exceedingly deaf and blind sheep" that refuse to hear and change. According to their legends, at the time of the Blue Kachina, the Star People retreated to the heart of the Earth, seeking shelter during the world's destruction. Poganghoya is the guardian of our North Pole and his Brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the South pole. This will be the Day of Purification. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. Remembering that we are the caretakers, the fire keepers of the Spirit. The name "Saquasohuh" means "Blue Star," the same "blue star" referred to by White . This understanding is shared by many First Nations and faith traditions. The Blue Star Kachina (seven blue stars of the Pleiades) will dance in the plaza (in the sun, or actually behind the sun) wearing a mask (eclipsed by the moon). For in the Earth we shall find relief from the madness that will be all around us. The ones who remember the original teachings and have reconnected their hearts and spirit. He will deliver the people from oppression and sow the seeds of wisdom in order to to prepare the people for the Fifth World. ( Note: Kachinasalso spelled katsinam, plural, and katsina, singularare spirit messengers between the world of the gods and the world of humans. Similar beliefs were held by the Greco-Roman philosophers. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old waysThe messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the watersThe appearance of the twins begins a period of seven years which will be our final opportunity to change our ways, When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. It will appear as a blue star. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as an apocalypse or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the destruction of the world. - From the Beginning of Life to the Day of Purification - Teachings, History . This sounds like a veritable UFO invasion! The following HOPI Prophecy is an excellent point of departure for those who have yet to take this journey of discovery into the rapidly evolving present of our planetary civilization and immediate future of the current race of humanity. While explaining to The Daily Courier an ancient petroglyph near the village of Mishongnovi in Second Mesa, that depicts a dome-shaped object, he said, The arrow on which the dome-shaped object rests, stands for travel through space. The comet isn't a 'dwelling place'. Sometimes a comet remains stationary over a particular area for a long time. 26K views 2 years ago In Hopi oral History, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the. They tell us of two brilliant comets a blue one and a red one both of which may be part of comet swarms, that will usher in profound changes at the end of the Fourth World. Upon reaching there, he was to erect a shrine and rest his forehead on the ground once. The Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy. The land shall be crisscrossed by a giant spiders web. An ancient Hopi prophecy states that " when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge. But was he one of the Hopi? When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". Do you remember back in 1997, the Hopi Elders appeared with Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf on Art Bells Coast to Coast show, they spoke to millions of wary listeners around the world as they 'predicted' the coming of The Blue Star Kachina and that the Purifier, the Red Star Kachina would follow shortly after the twins had passed from our heavens. The day is referred to by the Hopi as "the Day of Purification.". so so much bad and bad people have already been removed by big blue and his crew. a comet, that stood over the city of Jerusalem for a whole year in 66 CE, which foretold the disaster that was about to befall the Temple.[15]. Could it be happening right now? Today, they remain hidden, waiting for their ancestors to return and cleanse the land of humans. But warned Masaw, if their leader accepted any other religion, he must assent to having his head cut off. Each time one of the worlds is destroyed, the faithful Hopi are taken underground and saved from destruction to later emerge and populate the next world. "[6] This absence of Hopi ceremonialism will coincide with the destruction of the fourth world.
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