Heres where you can find the Student Art Guide on social media: . The fact that someone may have paid several millions for a piece is not an indicator of its value not in artistic or cultural terms, anyway. British artist Polly Morgan points out the need to not restrict yourself to your own medium. DeviantArt: More Like Box Circus by SpicyMeggiemoo, GCSE Natural Forms - Personal Response Final Piece. I was wondering if you can advise. Once they know what, how and why, they can apply this to their own piece. Is the story of my sketchbook intended to simply be controversial or does it show I care? GCSE Final Piece Plan (worksheet) Subject: Art and design. Your site is absolutely awesome. Hi, thanks for your message! Best wishes. I usually have students work on design sheets so these are photographs of all the design sheets and any final pieces the students made. I love it! Hi, thanks for your comment we use AQA. What bothers you? There are plenty of Manmade items that also fit into this category, i.e. In theory, you will have had an idea in your head from quite early on in the course and will have used your portfolio to identify a path towards this final piece of artwork. These are amazing. What does your teacher think? It would be great if you can share these GCSE materials with me so that I can show them to my Grade 9students. I have to COMPLETELY rethink my original idea for my folio board (NCEA Level 3) and Im really struggling for conceptual ideas. Can they also re hash your mock from Jan in May? Or am I completely off?? Your teacher will no doubt tell you that more is best and that examiners like to see a sketchbook that barely closes because it is bursting at the seams with ideas! GCSE art - Final piece resource Download Now Download Now Secondary Art & Design Which board do you use please? I do not think this is a theme with enough information. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I did very well in my AS Level and got an A on both units. Hi! In most cases, the exam is spread across two consecutive days to ensure uninterrupted creativity. Finally, I have included photographs of all of the final pieces completed in the 10 hour exam / controlled assessment. I would love a copy of the presentation please , Hi, glad you found my site and its been useful for you! Thanks for sharing! This choice is therefore very well-suited to those wishing to fulfil a career in advertising. ABIGAIL: Hi! I am trying to find a theme which has lots of information but am struggling. AMIRIA: What particular aspect of a Rural vs Urban theme would you focus on? My theme right now is Arizona (desert), which was inspired by a dream I had of an open road journey. There was so much information on both these themes. . It needs to have a real message and purpose. I have added titles to each of the slides in student speak so your students can clearly see examples of what each stage of a Grade 9 art project looks like. Maria GCSE Exam final piece (10 hours). thank you . Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. Title: Essence of the City, GCSE Art final piece by pupil from Orleans Park School, Twickenham. At the moment my new idea is the loss of innocence/complete mental destruction and changed perception of the world through the experiences of war, told from a third person point of view with a solider as the main character (like a narrative). They tell us she lived in a place and time when the world was at war. Do they, as she lays out they should, tell of mans suffering? curving architectural forms; ornate utensils / kitchenware (old kettles etc); woven baskets; intricate jewellery pieces If you do a Google image search on curving organic form you get a good idea of the huge range of beautiful man made forms that fit into the aesthetic you seem to like which could thus form the basis of an AS portfolio. This part of the project was really fun as students could be more independent and use a wider range of materials; some took the plastic / pollution idea and tried out different drawing techniques on plastic, whilst others worked in a more tactile, 3D way, thinking more about texture and colour. To be honest, I have the same issues with me own students! To help our students develop an understanding of breadth, we have a 10-point independent learning list, into which we encourage them to dip each week. As you will see below, the ideas, images, texts, and experiments that you display in your sketchbook should all be stepping stones towards your final art piece. The final piece produced in the exam should answer a key question or communicate a response to an issue, rather than be there simply to look pretty. Have you been to the Arizona desert? AMIRIA:Well done for beginning your preparation early your teacher will be very happy! The possibilities, however, are endless, so it is better to ask yourself what things really matter to you what do you want to communicate to the world? Art teachers (and artists in general) often speak of finding the beauty in the ordinary or mundane: seeing the magic in that which others have discarded or forgotten, (see the electrical plug painting below by Amy Thellusson from, . For example, one of my most recent students took fruit, waited until it rotted and decayedand then strung them up on the classroom wall using nails and string. The paintings that I have already donehave a lot of vast open spaces to show freedom, buffalo skulls and dark colours which depict death of the land, a main character (a girl), her tattoos and an old school car. Brilliant resource, thank you. Even if these things are ultimately depicted in way that is stylised and surrealistic, it helps immensely to have quality source material the beginning. (LogOut/ Title: Close Up, GCSE Art final piece by pupil from Orleans Park School, Twickenham. Generally I dont give grade 9s too often really, its more when we are marking full projects at the end of the year, when students have had a chance to act on feedback. I still dont feel confident giving out 9s. In reality, the only difference between the final piece and the rest of the submission is how it consolidates the journey. I'd . A drawing, for example, of a doll that is proportioned unusually, may appear to be an inaccurate, badly proportioned drawing of an ordinary doll. Watch out for commonly used weak words and provide students with alternatives. For my AS Art I am doing Urban Decay. The possibilities, however, are endless, so it is better to ask yourself what things really matter to you what do you want to communicate to the world? First off, the 40% is based on the sketchbook as well as any outcomes produced in the ten hours, and they must link. The platform that connects tutors and students. malls / movie theatres) due to people favouring internet-based interactions from the warmth of their own homes. Do not worry about your sketchbook becoming messy. Based upon a student's dream, there is a gutsy honesty to the work. Thank you very much for your help and generosity!!! Perhaps you could take photographs at a museum or an old bunker? When thinking about a landscape theme, remember that the word landscape can be interpreted quite widelyi.e. Each artist has a range of interests, experiences and perspectives. Its important to understand that were not here to create historical documents. As you can gather, the majority of your final grade will be given in conjunction with your sketchbook or portfolio (i.e. Great to see such a strong course syllabus emphasis on observational drawing and developing skills that have lead to such great creative and original responses! Amiria:There are many possibilities Literal interpretations, such as an area of town that is physically falling into disrepair and has some sort of history or story attached to iti.e. However, such interpretations are reasonably common and dont seem to be that personal i.e. The truth is that these days with the prevalence of information available on the internet it is very rare to find a topic which you are unable to find sufficient material. Hi, Great work. I just shared the presentation enjoy , Im excited to show this presentation to my grade 9. Using a different combination of materials to create different effects and styles, like line,tone,colour,shape,form,texture and pattern will help to move your development phase forward and will help you to decide which medium you prefer and which works best with your chosen subject. I am really struggling to find ideas for my theme of landscape this year. Thank you! You could even take images and digitally superimpose them onto other surfaces (i.e. Is the car a real one that you have access to? Based in Manchester. I fear that the idea is way too cliche AND Im also unable to take photos of the subject matter first hand. Title: Close Up, GCSE Art final piece by pupil from Orleans Park School. What moves you? You might be interested to know, however, thatthe followingactivities, according to the AQA exam board website, do not get counted as part of your exam time: preparation of print materials, such as filing edges of perspex or metal print plates stretching of screens, preparation of blocks and plates mixing of photographic chemicals, washing and drying prints arrangement of a still life. Find online art courses on Superprof now. Even sticking pieces of fold-down paper in and changing the orientation of pages can add to the book's charm and bring it to life. Your website is very useful so thanks for that. Once you have narrowed it down (hopefully to something that is gritty, meaningful and personal) begin Google searches for artwork that fits this specific subject. You want the examiners to believe that this is something personal to you you dont want them to suspect you have produced the whole thing from second hand imagery sourced off the internet. If you do go off on a tangent, this is ok but just ensure that you make your thought process and pattern clear to the examiner. Thank you for all your help! If you are really stuck, take something ordinary and do something unusual to it. Really helpful, could you send me a copy of the presentation please? This does not mean, however, that anything is suitable for your A Level topic. This may or may not feed back directly into their work, but helps them develop a much more rounded understanding of the arts. However, as we have already mentioned, while it can be reassuring to see the work completed by others during their 10-hour assessment, it doesn't always help you because your personal connection to the theme and your unique style will be so very different to everyone else's. Your theme sounds cool and crazy (in a good way), but it seems to bring together a whole range of elements and ideas, so it doesnt surprise me that you are floundering a little. I was wondering if my topic needs to be developed any further? Your site is absolutely awesome. The key, however, is not to produce an exceptional final piece and a separately superb sketchbook, it is to make them both absolutely brilliant and (most importantly) for them tolink together. AMIRIA:Hi Sophia, thanks for your question. pictures from comic books but these are rare, and in these cases the students cleverly manipulate the image to make them their own. It might feel like the Big Daddy; but we all know that the bulk of the marks come from AO1-3, and that unless the outcome sits firmly within the preceding investigations, it has little value. She explored a fantasy / spiritualistic theme, interpreting the set starting point 'Force'. Hi, thanks so much for your comment and its good to hear your daughter might be inspired by these examples best of luck to her! . I have to COMPLETELY rethink my original idea for my folio board (NCEA Level 3) and Im really struggling for conceptual ideas. others have explored the same topic as you With the millions of people in the world, it is highly unlikely that you will be the only one to explore a particular theme (in fact, this is beneficial, as you can learn from othersand no one will make art exactly like you), but, if EVERYONE is doing it if it is a topic that the examiners have seen a hundred times before, you should think carefully about whether you have something sufficiently new and original to say about it. Remember, the purpose of the coursework and final piece put together is to communicate a message, no matter how big or small. You could then begin to explore this idea through the depiction of schoolyard landscapes focusing perhaps on grid-like patterns (repetition of rectangular classroom windows etc) in dreary disconnected architecture. For instance, a surrealist project that focuses on Alice in Wonderland should identify links with artists such as Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso and talk about how their work makes you feel and what you take away from their style that you can put in your own artwork. I would love to receive a copy to see how these tasks are approached in another school. This could be in the form of a final piece if that is what the student decides, or several outcomes linked to the research and experimentation with ideas produced during the course of the project. From this, we want to know the aim of their art practice. Perhaps the fracturedness with which she used a pencil; the intense focus on the human face? What matters to you most in the world? perhaps a thriving industrial area that became disused for some reason and then became overtaken by graffiti / vandalism etc. Below, we have provided some detail on the subtopics available to you in the Art classroom. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas xx. Certain object combinations (due to their particular shapes, colours or textures) are extremely difficult to compose in a pleasing way. There are some instances where third party source material is appropriate (usually when the resulting work is a far departure from the initial images)but I would be hesitant. I am trying to make each part of the project as exciting as the final piece. GCSE sketchbooks and final piece (9 / a* grade) Mei-Ying Chow 103K subscribers 115K views 5 years ago gcse art a* book, final piece and coursework || Mei-Ying Chow The video where. Edexcel. It's really easy to get disheartened and feel you disappointed that you didn't think of something first because you put so much emotion into the course. GCSE Art final piece by pupil from Orleans Park School, Twickenham. Worksheet / table for GCSE students to fill out ideas for development of final peice. This is great, please can you share-ECT Art teacher 1st year . Thanks, I hope this is useful . Looking to other artists for inspiration is often the best way to move forward if you are stuck. Eliminate those which are insignificant and lacking in substance, along with those that are out of reach (i.e. So when I think of an idea, it has to be one in which I feel I will not ever get bored of and a project that essentially can be broadened. Living in Scotland, find art classes Edinburgh. You will be able to add to your sketchbook during the exam however you ideally want to be focused on your final piece and have already completed all the preparation you need ahead of the day of the exam. Have you seen and photographed real buffalo skulls? During your time as a GCSE Art student, you will be given a very good grounding and a general introduction to the subject of Art and will be given the opportunity to choose from a range of options. The development stage should be focused on exploring and experimenting and, remember, every idea and effort has its place even if it is less successful than another idea. You will have a number of months, to research the theme of your choice (or the theme set out by your course) and create a preparation journey in your sketchbook. Do as much preparation for the exam as you can so you can use all the time to your advantage. Any particular approaches used in a final piece need to be evidenced in that preceding work. In fact, some of the ugliest things can be stunningly rendered in an artwork or design. Quick drawing activities like warm ups etc. Amiria has been an Art & Design teacher and a Curriculum Co-ordinator for seven years, responsible for the course design and assessment of student work in two high-achieving Auckland schools. The story in this case might be to do with the circle of life and how physical forms are transient and illusory with no clear boundariesthe ebb and flow of atoms etc, Another option might be the beauty in decay? The final part of the examination project is a 10-hour exam where you will create your final piece, but what exactly are you allowed to do in that time under the exam settings? This final piece incorporates the candidate's visual research and contextual studies. GCSE Art Final Piece Ideas username5909180 1 We've started to plan our final piece and my teacher wants us to have at least 4 ideas for it. with you initially creating a pile of photographs or pinning articles to a walland then drawing them, with all the creases / shadows / three-dimensional elements). Alternatively, you might like to speak to a private tutor who can help you to realise your best efforts. I enjoy painting, sketching, chalk and I love mixed media work. It is hoped that the answers provide valuable insight for others. Would love a copy to motivate and inspire my students and it will really help them to understand the assessment objectives. Does the work I am producing have an aesthetic quality? university of cambridge foundation year 2023, Official University of Bristol 2023 Applicant Thread, Oxford History Applicants 2023 - Undergraduate & Postgraduate. GCSE Art final piece ideas (I have covered any faces in photographs!) What you decide to work on during your exam should not be a decision you take lightly, and should be something that you have planned and put a lot of thought into. When I was once asked at interview to name a favourite artist, my answer was simple that it didnt matter. It is a decision that many find difficult because of a lack of inspiration, an inability to choose between two or more possible final outcomes or ideas for their brief, or a general misunderstanding about the type of topic that is appropriate. Below is a step-by-step guide that IGCSE, GCSE, A Level Art students (and those from manyother high school Art qualifications) may use to help brainstorm, evaluate and select an outstanding subject, topic or theme for their high school Art project. See more ideas about textiles, textiles projects, a level textiles. As you can probably expect, the 10 hours will fly by. Make a textural collage of ideas, as in this GCSE Art mind map by Jessica Rump, while studying at King's Lynn Academy: Exploring the topic Force, this mixed media mind map contains a wealth of details, texture and depth. (LogOut/ Title: Natural Forms. Thanks for your message! As such, we can guess she was interested in the effects of war and in belonging. My GCSE art final piece, biafran famine young child. There are plenty of Manmade items that also fit into this category, i.e. Thanks for sharing, Hi, I have just shared it best of luck with your new role . exploring ideas of regeneration / cycle of life etc? Currently explaining to students the difference between artists copy and artist inspired piece when looking at artists research, I feel this would help greatly. My GCSE Art Final Piece centred around music, the theme being 'Art and Words', the words I interpreted as lyrics! Amiria: Firstly, I want to stress that the most important factor should be how personally relevant your theme is: the quantity of information available on this topic is much less crucial. Therefore, anyone who sees themselves in the textiles industry would benefit from having studied this module. It has a lot of potential. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, Official University of Manchester Postgraduate Thread 2023, The Cambridge College Hurt/Heal Game [part 2], Official LSE Undergraduate Applicants thread 2023, University of East Anglia (UEA) A104 - Medicine with Gateway Year - 2023 Entry, U of Leicester or U of Liverpool? She also loves skiing, cooking and painting. What do they want to portray so others can see? No problem I hope it is helpful for you and your students! If you are getting close to the exam period and you are starting to feel a bit on edge about your choices when it comes to your final piece, then run your ideas and concerns past your art instructor, your family and your friends to see if they can offer you some encouragement or constructive criticism. Throughout my work, the true identity of the model is hidden. Before they've even started the course, some pre-college GCSE pupils begin to get nervous about the concept of a ten-hour-long exam but, in actual fact, the final piece assessment isn't as daunting or scary as you might think. A Level Photography piece by Kate Dunn from Cobham Hall School: Painting Coursework folio boards by Melanie Nieuwoudt from Green Bay High School: The information in this article has been summarised in a flowchart, which can be used as a quick tool to evaluate GCSE, IGCSE and A Level Art ideas. If working from an idea that stemmed from photography, then you could play with monochrome versus full colour. More often than not, we start with artist research and finish with an artwork, or collection of pieces that shows the students journey from initial investigation to a personal conclusion. This understanding becomes the diving board for the students own work. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. If you also have any other suggestions for me going in a different direction or topic, I would also much appreciate any ideas. the work that you will spend your class time and homework time completing over the course of the two-year programme, should be a good representation of your academic journey in this subject. Even though you may feel that you are perfecting your style, using one single medium throughout your GCSE course and ending the art project with a piece created using this same exact material could come across very cautious. View art_teacher_mcrs profile on Twitter, View art.teacher.mcrs profile on Instagram, KS3 Art Still Life Home Learning Project. It's all about the journey, not just where you're headed! The full scheme of work for this GCSE art project is available on Tes here. Ive just shared it best of luck with your new GCSE classes! I stand by that, and hope that all art teachers would, too. Change). Your work is often best driven not just by an emotion, but by a message (which will then provoke an emotional response in you and viewers). HI, thanks for your comment I just shared it with you! Imagine a diamond shape on its side You start off with a single theme, you widen your search to cover a broad range of interconnected sub-themes and then you head to a specific, related yet developed point once again which will culminate in your final piece. I cant wait to share this resource with my students. Learn more about your GCSE art syllabus in this complete guide! Would love to share with my pupils. Fine art. Whilst developing your thoughts, it is not important to produce 'finished' studies or pieces so be aware that your experiments can be rough and ready. I tend to eventually run out of different ideas! Its just as possible to be inspired by a filmmaker, fashion designer, writer or friend than another artist., Her contemporary, Isaac Julien, has much the same idea: I have a magpie attitude to inspiration. The chances are that there will be some gaps in your thought process. I am generally quite an indecisive person unfortunately!
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